Blog update!...

Things have been very hectic lately, (again!), ive been really busy with make-up trials and make-up lessons - the wedding season is in full flow it seems - this weekend I am working in Bedfordshire at Wyboston lakes for a wedding, and I have also recently taken on a wedding booking for Liverpool next month at the beautiful Knowsley Hall.  I get to see so many lovely venues and work with such great people.

I have been doing lots of make-up lessons for ladies recently, for all ages - I even had one lady who was going to go for botox for her wedding, but after I did her makeup, she decided against it! It always gives me so much pleasure to give another lady such a gift, a gift of looking and feeling amazing.  Make-up, to me, is so much more than just applying a bit of make-up, yes, it is also about knowing your craft/speciality and having lots of experience, but it is also about making that person feel good and look good and once you have all of those ingredients, then the women who leave my make-up studio leave happy and safe in the knowledge that they will be able to keep in touch with me and also be armed with all the products they need and new techniques they need to practise, so they can enhance their appearance naturally, and embrace what they have and work with it, instead of against.  Make-up doesn't have to be heavy or unnatural - the best make-up is soft and pretty to enhance each individual, (some ladies like their make-up dramatic, each lady is different and unique, and therefore should be treat as such.)

I have also been travelling about recently, I had a great trip to London to see the Alexander McQueen, Savage Beauty exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum, (my favourite place to go in London.)  I have also been to Silverstone at the weekend too, (a Christmas present for my Husband! he loved driving the Ferrari and Aston Martin at 120 mph!  my daughter and I loved watching him, so I would highly recommend, if you like that sort of thing or if your Husband does!)

I found the time to try out a new make-up look on myself - I often say I could do with a make-over myself! as I get so carried away doing everyone elses' make-up, I somehow forget about myself!  So, I tried out the Pixiwoo hooded lids tutorial - I must say, as a Make-up artist, you never stop learning ever, so its great to watch Sam/Nic and keep updated and refreshed.  I am as guilty as the next person as getting into a bit of a rut, but I do know what works for my face...and most importantly, what doesn't!

I have also been stocking up on false eyelashes, (I must have hundreds of pairs! - these always enhance the eyes and there is a pair for everyone for all ages nowadays - they are hugely popular.)  I have also bought some new make-up products/skincare to add to my kit - I will try and blog about them soon.

Please get in touch if you want to book for this year - weekends are very limited now, and for next year too! I have already taken bookings for 2017 too.  You can also follow me on Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter - stop by and say hello, (links on my homepage.)

Hope you enjoyed reading my blog and thank-you for taking the time to read, Tina xxx



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