Melissa doesn't wear any make-up usually, but for evening she will wear a little bit of liner and lipstick, but that is it.  I decided to go for minimal make-up, just to even out her skin and cover up any little blemishes and areas of redness.  Melissa's skin was a little dry too, so I prepped really well beforehand.  I think its always best to work with what ladies want and are used to, rather than going against what they usually like, its really important to listen to their needs.

Melissa's trademark is a bright pink lipstick when she goes out, and also she has bright pink in her wedding theme.  Melissa's eyebrows were very fair and a little uneven, so I evened them out using a soft eyeshadow.  Eyeshadow wise I kept minimal and use a soft, sparkly pink from Bobbi Brown then defined the eye with a dark brown liner and added some lovely false eyelashes.

I used a light bronzer to warm up her complexion slightly and to even it out, a smidge of blush and then used a MAC highlighter on the top of her cheekbones.

Lips were kept matte and I used a pencil first and then layered the lipstick over, which was Cosmic raspberry by Bobbi Brown.

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