Tegan wanted a dramatic look for her Prom and is into contouring, etc.  I created a natural but dramatic look for her.  I evened out her skin with foundation, corrector and concealer then set with some pressed powder.  Brows were kept quite soft, but slightly defined by a little eyeshadow and brow gel.  Eyes - I used a bone shade all over, slate grey next over the lid and under the eye, a very sparkly eyeshadow by Make-up Forever and then lastly blended in a Charcoal eyeshadow on the outer corners and underneath slightly, finishing with a white highlighter under the brow and inner corner.

Black gel liner was next with a slight flick.  I then added some Chelsea Beautique false eyelashes and applied some waterproof mascara.

I contoured, but only very slightly, added some blush and highlighter to enhance the cheekbones.  Finishing with a beige lip pencil and lip colour and then a Smashbox Insta-matte product to make it last.


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before and after, prom, teens


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