Charlotte was one of the beautiful bridesmaids today, for Suellen's wedding at Healing manor.  The dresses were a beautiful powder blue so we opted for a soft, shimmery, natural look.

Skin was evened out but keeping that lovely luminous glow.  Brows were kept natural and feathery, with added texture with a brow gel.  Eyes - cream eyeshadow was used then a Bobbi Brown sparkle eyeshadow on the top.  Some 888 chocolate, Ardell false eyelashes were used.  A black/brown gel liner and lashings of mascara.

Cheeks - I used a Pot rouge by Bobbi Brown then a MAC iridescent loose powder to create a beautiful highlight.

Lips - I used an Urban Decay lip pencil in Wired and then a lip colour by Bobbi Brown in Ballerina shimmer topped with Pink Sequin lip gloss.


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