The gorgeous Kate, who visited me today for a make-up lesson.

I last saw Kate last year when I had the pleasure of being her Make-up artist at Healing Manor for her wedding day, for her and her attendants.

Kate was bought a gift voucher for a Christmas present and was SO excited and was a joy to be around, on her wedding day and on the make-up lesson...a total make-up junkie, like myself.

Kate wasn't into make-up before I did her make-up for her for her wedding, but oh boy...she's caught the bug alright now! She brought with her all of her make-up, (and it was nearly as big as my collection!..well, not quite ok, but it was pretty impressive.)  She also loves experimenting now with make-up.  She has confidence to try new things and to step out of her comfort zone a bit...which I love!

She is also going to a wedding soon and wanted to look amazing and for the make-up to last.  Not a problem!

We focused on skin prep, choosing the right products and textures, how to apply it using the right tools and techniques - she embraced the whole experience, and left me almost skipping with joy!

I created a special occasion make-up for her - something which will tie in with her skin type, requirements and what she is going to be wearing for the wedding.  (I loved being able to help her and we had a giggle too!)  I finished off with applying some of her own Eye glitter eyeshadow which she had bought but was unsure she could carry off.  I think it looked great and would work really well for the special occasion.

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