Sally had an Online makeup lesson with me recently. Her Husband had surprised her with a Gift voucher.  She was thrilled!

(Makeup showed is by Sally- doesn't she look wonderful!)

First I sent Sally a Questionnaire to get a feel of what she likes and what she doesn't, and also any skin issues.  I then met her online for her Initial consultation and from that it enabled me to design her makeup for her and send it to her together with a comprehensive product list, so she would be ready with all of her items on the makeup lesson.

Sally bought my Pro brush set and brush wrap and was delighted with them.

The makeup lesson was 2 hours and we discuss everything from how to use my makeup brushes to applying lipstick! I even set out her skincare regime for her.

She thoroughly enjoyed the lesson, and even booked another follow-up session!

Sally gave me a lovely review...


Online makeup lesson review.

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