This brand has been intriguing me for quite some time. There's been a bit of a buzz about it and the thing that drew me to want to try it was that it promoted a "less is more" approach to beauty, which as you probably know, I love. I think…
Valentines day makeup by Tina Brocklebank.
I can't wait for January to be out of the way! I don't know about you, but I find it a bit depressing! What with Christmas and New Year just gone, I am feeling a bit frazzled to say the least, so I am really looking forward to Spring, (plus…
Tina Brocklebank Make-up artist - Day make-up.
I don't get a lot of time in the morning for make-up, but saying that, I do make it a priority. I can wake up feeling pretty crappy and frankly, looking it too! So the whole ritual of looking after my skin and applying make-up, for me, is a necessity…
Bobbi Brown Extra balm rinse
Yep, I'm a sucker for trying out new products, lotions and potions. My bathroom shelf resembles a shelf in Boots the chemist, I'll admit. I have tried most cleansers and for me personally a good cleanser, has to smell nice, be of a good creamy consistency, isn't harsh or too…
Tina Brocklebank Make-up artist
The November Lincoln Journal is out and my column for this month focuses on "morning after make-up"! Something which I know a lot about sadly! After abstaining from drinking alcohol for about 4 months I thought it was a good idea one night to drink quite a lot, which left…
Tina Brocklebank Make-up artist.
My day make-up favourites include - (Skin prep is - Paula's choice Hydrating cleanser, splash of very cold water and then Paula's choice Anti-ageing moisturiser SPF50. Bobbi Brown Extra repair eye cream. I am also using Paula's choice Skin perfecting 2% BHA liquid, Anti-ageing 1% Retinol booster and/or Resist C15…
Irina - natural make-up.
I was inspired to blog today, after working with a lovely lady who travelled from Hull to have a make-up lesson with me. During her initial telephone enquiry she was very concerned about her make-up, skin and wanted to have a "make-up overhaul". She had been thinking about coming to…
Halloween/feather false lashes
I was inspired to create this look as I had some Eldora feather false eyelashes which I had bought a few years back, and I was waiting for the right opportunity to use them! I used Make-up Forever HD foundation and highlighter. I then used a Rodial contouring powder. Brows…
Charlotte Tilbury Kim K.W
OK, I admit it, I am a make-up and skincare junkie. I love trying out new brands and products and I often get sent new products to try...someone has to do it! Amongst my current favourites are - 1. Paula's choice - Skin perfecting 2% BHA liquid exfoliant - Removes…
Halloween make-up by Tina Brocklebank Make-up artist.
I love getting creative with make-up, it takes me back to when I was in my teens at school, loving Art. I used to sit for hours drawing faces, (especially eyes for some reason!) listening to music. In my twenties I discovered Body painting whilst I was studying Beauty Therapy,…

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