Tina Brocklebank Make-up artist.

The 3 tips that you need right now!

Hello fellow make-up lovers,

Today I have my washing out on the washing line and the sun is shining! How exciting! Spring is my favourite time of the year! like makeup, it gives me a boost!

Christmas is not my favourite time of the year, for me, its too overwhelming and manic, plus we lose our routine, which for me, is so important for my mental health, boring as it sounds! Then we have to deal with the long, grey, dark days of the next 2 months, so thank goodness Spring is nearly here! I often turn to my skincare and makeup for solace!! it really is self-care.

Lipstick is from Lisa Eldridge in Rainbow spill, (discontinued) with her Carnival lip pencil, (her Skyscraper rose lipstick is the quite similar to this one). Amazing what a bit of colour does!

This is the perfect opportunity to experiment with some new makeup looks. I am always on the lookout for new makeup or skincare products. Read on for a bit of inspiration and some tips along the way...

Most of my clients visit me because they want to look the best version of themselves. They can easily achieve this, by spending time on themselves with simple techniques, the best tools and products and a little bit of knowledge. My clients visit me as they do not like heavy makeup, they want to look stylish, natural and effortless, (my signature look, and one I am known for)...

Below shows a recent client of mine, Julie, who wanted to learn all about how to care for her skin and look her best self...(please also read her review if you scroll down). I really love helping people.

I have been so busy with my makeup lessons. I offer 1-1 or Joint makeup lessons in my countryside studio. These include thorough research prior to the lesson, (I send out an in-depth questionnaire), a no nonsense skincare guide and easy to follow advice, advice on what skincare is best for you and application demo, using the right tools and brushes, a demo on your chosen makeup look using the best makeup brands, you also receive a Makeup lesson booklet with tips and a personalised product list, (I am not affiliated with any brands, so do not receive any commission from any sales, so no hard sell), you also receive a 10% discount on any of my brush collections and a follow up Online makeup lesson, a before and after photo plus some feedback which is typed up and given to you on the lesson, which is gathered from the information from the questionnaire.

Tina Brocklebank Luxury Brush set with brush Wrap
Tina's makeup studio.

I absolutely love experimenting with new products and therefore, know what works and what doesn't work plus with my vast experience, (35 years) in the industry you can be confident that I help you.

The 3 tips that I always tell my clients if they want to enhance their faces -

  1. Skin - "Skin is the foundation" so good skincare is essential, plus investing time in yourself plus applying the right products to your skin to make it look as naturally healthy as possible and its best is simple when you have the knowledge and the right tools and products.
  2. Definition - Applying the right products in the right places will bring your features back, without looking overly made up, (we lose definition as we get older).
  3. Colour - Applying the right textures and shades in the right places on your face will enliven and brighten your face, not only make you look good but also feel good too!

I meet so many women who sadly do not prioritise themselves, (so easily done I know, we all lead such busy lives these days), but, all it takes is allocating that little bit of time to yourself once you have your essentials and you will be well away, (and not overwhelmed.). It's not like you are filling out a tax return!! its so important you spend this time on yourselves before everyone else has a piece of you!! I really believe that this is self care and I know first hand, that it boosts you to be then able and more equipped to do everything you want to do...but with a spring in your step!

Mother's day is approaching and if you would like a Gift voucher for a Makeup lesson, you can purchase either via my Online store https://tinabrocklebank.co.uk/online-store/ or contact me via email tina@tinabrocklebank.co.uk and I will pop one in the post for you.

Check out my reviews via my Google page https://g.co/kgs/mQ52tYK and also my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/TinaBrocklebankMUA/

Thank you for subscribing to my blog and I hope you found this helpful. Please do reach out to me if you would like to book and see your best self!

Love, Tina xx

Tina Brocklebank Make-up artist.

A Christmas catch up!

Hello!...I last updated my blog in April and with the New Year approaching I wanted to touch in with you. It's been a busy old year, I hope you are doing ok and making time for yourself, (using a little bit of makeup magic to help you get through this crazy season too?!)

This year as you may know, I have been focusing more on my studio work, so lots of Make-up lessons, (1-1 and Joint makeup lessons), Special occasion make-up, Online lessons and Make-up artist training workshops. I have really enjoyed spending more time in my studio, and not lugging around lots of kit and my chair! I have had some great feedback from my new lessons too, so I am really encouraged by this. This was necessary for me as I have been offering a mobile service for the past 20 odd years, and all of the extremely early starts, huge amounts of kit and large wedding parties and travel has kind of taken its toll! (although I do still work on select weddings now and again).

See below photos of my studio, all set up ready for a Joint makeup lesson. The top one shows the clients area, where I have already selected a few products prior to the clients arriving, (as I send out a Questionnaire so I can cater the lesson for each individual). I've loved helping so many clients this year with their makeup dilemmas and I look forward to doing the same in 2025 (and beyond) too!...

Joint makeup lesson, (Mum),

Joint Make-up lesson, (daughter).

Tina Brocklebank Makeup artist, review

I love my work, and to me, it's so important to pass on my knowledge and try and help other people to feel good about themselves, using the right tools, techniques and products, without all of the hard sell and hype that we so often are faced with online and everywhere these days.

I've been trying to lessen my time on social media recently, (I find deleting the apps very helpful and just adding them back on now and again, when I want to post something). I really want to focus more on my website, but I know how "normal" social media is nowadays but I do struggle hugely with it, as I am naturally, happily introverted. I have been so much happier and more productive without it. I have even been learning French!, (via the Duolingo app). I also love listening to podcasts, ( I love Matt Willis' On the mend podcast, he has some great guests on and it's all very interesting and inspirational). I also love listening to books via Spotify, (I especially enjoyed the Ru Paul autobiography). I really want to get back to my Art too, as the last time I picked up my paint brushes was April...but it excites me to think I have it to look forward to over Winter. This is my latest piece...

As-well as reducing things that don't make me particularly happy, I have been concentrating on the things that do make me happy, like exercise, (I love spinning and weights), gardening, walking with my dogs, reading and cooking! I have cut alcohol out of my life now, and I feel so much better for it. I won't say I am tee-total, but I do not drink at home now and if I go out I will just have 1 drink, it's definitely about being more mindful. Alcohol has no benefits, (despite what the media tells us, especially at this time of the year.)

For me, part of my self-care routine not only includes all of the above, HRT and skincare but makeup too. It brings me so much JOY!!! It is so important to me. It is not a vanity thing as such, although yes, it does make me look better, but I think the benefits to mental health are far higher than aesthetic benefits, but it does go hand in hand definitely. If you look good, you feel good, and I do it for me, no-one else, (my Mum was my biggest inspiration - she always put her makeup on every day, come rain or shine, whether she was leaving the house or not). I find the whole process very therapeutic and meditative. Having these routines in our lives, (whether that be makeup, or exercise or whatever works for you), is fundamental to our well-being. I miss her terribly and my lovely Dad.

This is exactly why I love passing on these skills and encouraging this daily practice, sharing my passion with my clients. Passion is something we do for ourselves, it makes us feel good. Purpose is something we do for others, it excites us and motivates us. I love the positive impact my work has on my clients and in turn, my passion is gifted with my purpose!

I am also very excited about my Brush collections and have had so many clients use them, again, giving me great feedback. Using the right tools for the best makeup really is key.

Mum and daughter, (Joint makeup lesson)
1-1 Makeup lesson
Info about my brushes.
Makeup lesson
Another happy client
Makeup lesson
My studio
Hannah - Group makeup lesson.
Mother of the Bride. Makeup by Tina Brocklebank.

This year I travelled to Ibiza for my 25th wedding anniversary. It was such a lovely holiday. See below my holiday essentials...

My holiday essentials.
Holiday skincare

Thank you for subscribing to my blog and following my work. Please let me know if you have any questions or looks that you would like me to create or have any skincare/makeup questions. Send emails to tina@tinabrocklebank.co.uk

And so, now is the time to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and healthy New Year. Don't forget the 10% offer for any brush set, (if you spend over £150) expires on the 31st of December 2024! Gift vouchers are available to purchase via my Online store too. I look forward to seeing you hopefully next year.

Lots of love, Tina x

More self love

Make-up, mental health, menopause (and more!)

Spring is my favourite time of the year and I don't know about you, but when the sun is out it always makes me feel better! ...it's such a tonic, and I feel that way about make-up and skincare too...

This got me thinking about things that can lift our mood, and for me, make-up hits that mark every single time. Even on my worst days, I always, at the very least, do my skincare, as it makes me feel so much better, even with a bit of moisturiser on or lip balm. It is no surprise to me that makeup works as an anti-depressant and a recent study proves this...

The article written by Beauty Journalist Inge van Lotringen resonated with me, its about how makeup has the power to lift your mood and the study has found that wearing makeup can have a marked effect on improving women's mood and even helps with maintaining good mental health - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13256199/lipstick-really-lift-beauty-writer-INGE-VAN-LOTRINGEN-rejoices.html

The study from the research team from Sao Paulo in Brazil and Queensland and Curtin University in Australia found that regular use of makeup was associated with lower incidence of mild depression and lower intensity of depressive symptoms. Professor Carmine Pariante, Professor of Biological Psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry and King's college London, said: 'Make-up is a type of self-care and, as shown in this study, helps with depression. The benefit is clinically significant, as by using the Zung scale, (which measures 20 different feelings and emotions - before and after the experiment).

I spend so much time teaching other people about their skincare and their makeup, that I thought you may find it interesting if I shared my skincare and makeup routine. I would love to hear your thoughts too, including what you like using.

Being 54, the basics like going to bed early and getting enough sleep, not drinking alcohol, (i've yet to be tee total but heading that way!), exercising, eating good (non processed) food, having a good HRT regime, drinking plenty of water and taking a supplement is key for me. I try and exercise at least 3 times a week and this includes weight training.

(I check in with Dr Newson once a year, regarding my HRT regime and hormone levels too). If you haven't already done so, you can read my blog about my menopause journey - https://tinabrocklebank.co.uk/my-experience-with-surgical-menopause-and-hrt/

Skincare wise - my skins needs, (like yours) will change throughout the year and it will look different from day to day, therefore, I always adapt my regime to how it looks and feels.

For my morning routine I am using my own Organic, cruelty free Cleansing oil, (which I make myself) it includes Coconut oil, castor oil, rosehip oil and blend in a Blue chamomile essential oil. I like to mix up my acids, (these are very gentle so don't be afraid! and you use these as you would a toner, after cleansing), so I either use a PHA or an AHA, as my skin is generally dry. The PHA is from Medik8 and the AHA is from Pixi, (glow tonic). These are very gentle on my skin, and you can always tell when I haven't used one, as my skin can look a bit dull and flat.

Serums next, and I use mainly Beauty Pie ones, and I layer these, some days I will use one or two. My favourite ones are the Vitamin C Superdose, Triple Hyaluronic acid, Superdrops, (Niacinamide), Japan Fusion and Genius lift elixir and Daily Vitamin defence serum. I then sometimes spritz on their Hyalurionic mist before moisturiser and then finally SPF! (no lower than a 30, all year round). I am always amazed at how many women do not apply SPF, (and also feel guilty for spending time on themselves, it makes me sad).

Generally I like to use a more hydrating moisturiser, such as Bobbi Brown Extra repair moisture cream Intense or a lighter option is Embryolisse Lait creme concentre. I always use a dedicated SPF, I have just finished my first bottle of Ultra Violette Super supreme skin screen SPF50, and I will definitely be re-purchasing!

For evening I will use Retinol and sometimes Tretinoin, which I have sent to me from my lovely friend in Spain and I use this 2-3 a week.

From a very young age I witnessed my Mum's daily ritual of applying her makeup. She always had a big pot of Nivea face cream too, (I loved that smell and glorious white cream in the tin. I also loved the way my cheek stuck to her cheek momentarily when I kissed her). She'd describe it as, "...putting my face on"! Admittedly, I was always a little embarrassed by her glamour when I went to school, (I am ashamed to say it now). She always stood out, (nice one Mum!) Her hair was beehived to perfection, set hard with hairspray - not a hair out of place and lipstick always on point, (her trademark bright orange, which I applied for her when she was in the hospice, 3 days before she passed away. Ever the glamourpuss).

I remember people at my school used to poke fun at me about her, but to me, it was normal and I loved her dearly. I absolutely idolised her. She was a strong, hard working Mum, (she kept an immaculate home, worked as a school cleaner and brought up 3 children almost single handedly, as my Dad always had to work away from home, abroad mostly). Even if she was doing housework she always had her "face on", she would be cleaning windows outside with her lipstick on...I was in awe of her from a young age and she rocked her hair and her makeup. Even on the wettest, most depressing days she always had her bright lippie on. I can totally understand now why she did that. It was such a beautiful and powerful lesson that she instilled into me - to give myself love and time everyday and to make the best of myself, for myself.

As I learned about skin and makeup over the years, (I was also inspired by my beloved Girls world toy), its become even more important to me to make that time for myself each morning. It really is self-care. Just like brushing your teeth or drinking water. For me, it is an essential part of my day and one I thoroughly enjoy doing. It's the only thing I have any kind of control of after all! It can really put me out of sorts if I don't get the time to do this, even if I am going to the gym! "The marvel of make-up is that it allows us to put on the face we want to present to the world. Feeling right in your skin means confidence - and confidence is the root of much of our achievements in life, as well as our joy".

Looking after my skin is just as important, after all, "Skin is the foundation", as skin guru, Caroline Hirons says, which is absolutely bang on! If you invest in your skin and yourself, then ultimately, you will "need" less makeup to correct those "issues" you may find on your skin/face.

I am a firm believer in the less is more approach, as you may know. When I graduated from The London college of Fashion in '95 I went on to work for Bobbi Brown essentials, at the first store in Nottingham. I had the best training and loved going to London at the Estee Lauder head office. Working on the counter was second to none. I learned such a lot. I love Bobbi's philosophy that, "makeup is not rocket science" and "makeup that looks like you, only better". It has stuck with me to this day and I pass this knowledge and message on to my clients and I get huge satisfaction from helping countless women look and feel the best version of themselves, using the right tools, knowledge and products. Bobbi does not own Bobbi Brown anymore and has her own different brand, Jones Road beauty, which I love and use in my studio too. You can shop her products here - https://www.jonesroadbeauty.com

Makeup is such a powerful tool and to me it really is self care - feeling and looking good, for myself and nobody else! (so thanks Mum x x x )

Here is what make-up I am loving using at the moment -

After my SPF I like to use something that keeps my makeup looking fresh and is the best base for it too, so something like the Bobbi Brown Radiance primer, Beauty Pie Brightening primeror IT cosmetics CC cream, (the CC cream I use very minimally, where needed as it is quite heavy coverage, and I don't like that look).

For years I have used the Bobbi Brown foundation stick as it is so quick to use and is very natural, you can also apply in light layers and build up the intensity. It is also good as it covers any redness on your skin, so good around the nose and chin for me. I also rate their concealer, which is very hydrating and I like to layer this and blend with a soft, fluffy brush. If I am particularly dark under my eyes I find that Beauty Pie Under eye genius is excellent as a corrector, so I use this first, (before concealer). I might also use a bit of my old faithful YSL Touche eclait, (I only use the Radiant touch shade though, which is the only shade that looks slightly pink so to counteract any grey/brown tones under my eyes). I hardly ever use powder on my skin.

For my brows, which I stupidly tweezed away in my 20's, (damn you Kate Moss!!), I use a mixture of Maybelline Brow drama and an Anastasia dip brow pomade in Ash brown, applied in hair like strokes to mimic my brow hairs, (bane of my life!!) Thank goodness my daughter has listened to me about this and has kept her beautiful, thick, natural eyebrows).

For eyes, I find NARS Pro smudge eye primer very good as a base for eyeshadow. Beauty Pie do some lovely eyeshadow palettes, and this one is a James Malloy one. The eye pencil is excellent, again from Beauty Pie in Turkish coffee, and does not budge, as is the same story for their Wrap star tubing mascara. Its amazing.

I like a pop of colour on my cheeks, so this powder and highlighter duo works well, its a pinky tone with a highlighter with it, but to get that glow I mix the 2, I also use the Beauty Pie Luminizing wand on the top of my cheekbones for added glow! (I need all the glow I can get at my age!!...)

For lips, I like a natural shade with a pinky tone, not brown. I usually mix 2 lipsticks as I still haven't found my perfect nude lipstick. The ones in the photo are from Revlon in 008 That girl, (a rose pink) and then I mix on top a Charlotte Tilbury Kim K.W lipstick which is lovely light pink tone. I define my lip line with an NYX liner in Nude beige.

Above is another example of my day makeup items. I bought the Jones Road beauty Miracle balm, but didn't get the hype and wanted desperately to love it, so keep using it. It is yet to convince me, as it is quite heavy, maybe nice for cold days. I have mixed the shade Au Naturel with a Jones Road shimmer oil in Cool rose for a bit of colour and more luminosity and to loosen it up a bit. Seems to work so far.

I am a huge fan of Lisa Eldridges work and as I got to meet her last year, I have bought more of her makeup products to try. The latest one being her Enhancing skin tint. It is sadly in a very small bottle, but you only need a small amount as it is very watery. It is gorgeous on the skin and gives a light coverage and a lovely even, dewy finish. I chose shade T7 as I like a bit of warmth. The blush here is Bobbi Brown in Modern shimmer and the gloss by Lisa Eldridge in Song bird, a beautiful fresh, brightening pink gloss.

Pic above - me playing around with my makeup - here I used some Swarovski crystals and MAC Holographic loose eyeshadow pigment, plus some Charlotte Tilbury eyeshadow crayons.

Below pic - Here I used mostly Lisa Eldridge makeup including her Liquid lurex eyeshadow in Maya. Lipstick is Sunday Matinee with Petal lip pencil.

I really love Beauty Pie makeup at the moment!

The bright lip colour above is from Lisa Eldridge in Rainbow spill with her lip pencil in Carnival. You can shop her products here - https://www.lisaeldridge.com/collections/insanely-saturated-lip-colour

Here I am when I met Lisa at Liberty in London last year...(pic below), I look a bit deranged and star struck haha.

Tina Brocklebank and Lisa Eldridge.

I hope you all had a lovely Easter break. I have lots of makeup lessons booked in at my studio, (1-1, Joint and Group), and look forward to meeting you hopefully soon!

Follow me on Instagram @tinabrocklebankmakeup https://www.instagram.com/tinabrocklebankmakeup/ or my Facebook page Tina Brocklebank Make-up artist for behind the scenes updates and more tips and products info!

Tina x

Tina Brocklebank Makeup artist.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Well, it's coming to the end of the year and it's given me time to reflect on this year and how much I have achieved and what I would like to achieve next year.

As you may know, I have reduced my wedding work. This means I can focus on my studio work and makeup lessons, Online makeup lessons, makeup artist training and my makeup brush range.

It's been a busy old year, just nice and steady. I have met some really lovely and interesting people this year, all of which I have been able to help with their skincare and makeup dilemmas. I get great satisfaction and feedback from this, and this keeps me motivated!

My diary is filling up fast for 2024 and I have bookings for 2025 too. I am taking on weddings, but these are by special arrangement only, (I offer a complimentary Zoom consultation prior to booking).

I always test out any products before recommending them to my clients. I have really enjoyed trying out new makeup this year. It can be a bit overwhelming with the makeup market having so much out there, and it's hard not to get sucked into it all. I do like to still keep things simple and always promote this when I meet my clients. I loved visiting London this year and meeting the lovely and talented, Lisa Eldridge.

Tina Brocklebank and Lisa Eldridge.

For my own skincare and makeup I have been trying out some new skincare and makeup, so I thought I would write about it, as I get so many compliments about my skin and makeup, which is really lovely.

I am quite "reserved" shall we say, on social media. I don't really like putting myself out there a lot, just when the mood takes me! I am not really a "showy offy" person, so it can be quite challenging at times, especially in this exhibitionist day and age...

For skincare, again, I like to keep things simple and assess my skins needs on a daily basis and according to the time of the year, so I don't use the same things everyday.

At the moment I am using the following products -

I am making my own skincare oils but I also love the CeraVe Hydrating cleanser, as it was developed by dermatologists and has ceramides and hyaluronic acid in to nourish the skin. My Husband even uses it! It doesn't strip the skin either. If my skin is feeling dry I will use my cleansing oil, (I make these to order) or a balm, something like The Body shop Camomile cleansing butter.

Tina's skincare oils.

I do still get quite open pores and sometimes spots on my chin, (annoyingly), so I will often use a Paulas Choice 8% AHA lotion which is a moisturising exfoliator, (you leave it on, and you can use this twice a day, its very gentle).

I have really got into Beauty Pie. You do have to pay a membership fee of £59 but once you have done this, it entitles you to lots of great, high end skincare/makeup, etc at reasonable prices. I really like their Vitamin C Superdose Brightening serum, so I use that as my next step and then a Beauty Pie Hyaluronic acid. If my skin is dry I will use a bit of oil, (again I make my own) or use another brand such as Squalene from The Inkey list.

Moisturiser wise I am using a Lancome one at the moment and then I layer on an SPF after. I always use a factor 50 all year round. At the moment I am using Ultra Violette Queen screen luminising serum, as I like that dewy finish, it is more flattering than being matte.

Makeup wise my go-to's are -

Bobbi Brown foundation stick, (I only use it on areas that need coverage or evening out).

NARS Light reflecting eye brightener.

Anastasia Beverley hills dip brow pomade in Ash brown used with a very fine (old!) Shu Uemura brush.

Maybelline brow drama eye brow gel in Medium brown

Beauty Pie eye pencils are very good and I usually use one along my top lash line and then finish with their Wrap star mascara, (it does not flake or budge!)

I love a cream blush so at the moment I am using a Jones road stick one in English rose, but I sometimes layer a powder one over the top to set it, (I love Apricot by Bobbi Brown) and then on the top of the cheekbones I use my Beauty Pie Luminizing wand in Champagne.

Lips wise, I love a lip balm especially this time of the year, (Glossier are my favourite ones, they do lots of different flavour ones, the birthday cake one is especially good!) Lipstick wise I use MAKEUP FOREVER rouge artist in Tender nude with NYX lip pencil in Nude beige, I also sometimes use a Charlotte Tilbury lip pencil in Iconic nude. Here I have a Victoria Beckham lip gloss on in Bikini.

My brushes have been really selling well and I have had some amazing feedback! I am very proud of them. You can purchase these via my online store on my website. They also include Gift sets with a Hollywood travel mirror in too!

Tina's makeup brushes.

I am looking forward to 2024 and meeting new clients as well as returning.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas. I wish you all a very happy new year too. Thank you for your support and kindness this year.

Love and best wishes,

Tina x

brush set

New travel size brush set and limited edition Gift sets!


After graduating from the London college of Fashion and working in London and the U.K, I have worked as a professional makeup artist for over 30 years in T.V, editorial, commercial and theatre.

For the past 20 years I have specialised in weddings and special occasion make-up at my Lincolnshire countryside studio.

I love my work and I know how essential great makeup brushes are to creating the best makeup looks.  

I meet so many people who want to learn how to apply makeup quickly and simply so I created my first brush collection in 2020! since then I have now included a new travel size set.

The brushes are high quality, hand made and assembled in the UK using traditional methods, with the handles being made from birch or beech from managed forests and the brush heads from top-quality vegan hair.

Each brush has been selected by me and I am very proud and excited to give you the opportunity to purchase them!

I hope you enjoy using the brushes as much as I do!

Tina Brocklebank Make-up artist.

Pro size 12 piece brush set, large makeup bag and complimentary small makeup bag - £140

Pro size 12 piece brush set, Travel Hollywood mirror, large makeup bag and complimentary small makeup bag = £160

Pro size 12 piece brush set and wrap, large makeup bag, Travel Hollywood mirror and complimentary small bag = £188

Travel size 6 piece brush set and small bag = £80

Also available as a Gift set - Travel size 6 piece brush set, small makeup bag, Travel Hollywood mirror and large makeup bag = £112

If you would like to purchase a voucher/brush set /gift set then please contact me via tina@tinabrocklebank.co.uk or you can purchase directly my Online store on my website.

If you would like a *Gift voucher to go inside the brush/gift set then this can be arranged too. (*from £50 upwards). You can also purchase vouchers via my online store and these can be used towards any service.

Last month I went to visit my daughter who lives in London and I had the pleasure of attending an exclusive event at Liberty with one of my favourite Make-up artists, Lisa Eldridge.

It was really fascinating to be shown some of Lisa's vintage makeup and to hear about her insider tricks and tips with reference to technique, colour, texture and looks. She was as lovely in real life as she is on her YouTube videos. It was a pleasure to meet her.

Lisa, like me, has been in the industry for over 30 years and used to work on the T.V programme 10 years younger and is one of the worlds leading Make-up artists. She also works with celebrities such as Kate Winslet, Dua Lipa and Sophie Dahl. Lisa also has her own makeup brand now, which I am introducing into my studio.

I have also been very busy working on Online and studio makeup lessons. These have included Groups, Joint and 1-1. I am thoroughly enjoying doing them and get such great feedback, (see Google for my reviews and on my Facebook page).

Group makeup lesson, (even includes nibbles and fizz!)

For Halloween this year I decided to have a bit of a laugh and do a Herman Munster make-up. To be honest I had been wanting to do this for a couple of years now but could not seem to find a good enough forehead! (but there are always ways around this I discovered!)

I finally found a mask online and just cut off the forehead bit and painted over it to match the rest of my face. You have to make sure the mask is "foamy" and not shiny so you can paint on it.

I also bought a wig and cut it up to make a good match to Hermans, then just gripped the pieces on. I also bought a kids monster mask and cut off the screws so I could stick onto my neck with lash glue! I had a LOT of fun!!...

(When I posted it online I had to notify my followers that it was actually me, as no one realised haha!!)

Here are a few clients I have been working with recently on makeup lessons and special occasion makeups. (I have cut right down on my wedding work now and is by special arrangement only, as I want to focus on my studio work).

I am looking forward to 2024, (I have taken bookings already for '24 and 2025, so please do get in touch if you would like to book...it is never too early!)

Thank you for being a subscriber or following my work on social media, it really does mean a lot to me.

Tina x

Tina's skincare oils.


Hello! so with Summer now upon us, (she says looking out of the window and it is heavy rain!) I thought it would be a good idea to send my loyal subscribers and followers, details of some Summer offers that I will be running from now up until September the 17th 2023. I am offering 25% off to the below bundles/services!...

A 1-1 Make-up lesson at my studio, including my 12 piece Make-up brush set and brush wrap is £268.98 (a saving of 89.67!)

A Make-up lesson at my studio, including my 12 piece Make-up brush set with bag is £240.48, (a saving of £80.17!)

An Online makeup lesson via Zoom with my 12 piece Make-up brush set with brush wrap is £231.48, (a saving of £77.17!)

An Online makeup lesson via Zoom with my 12 piece Make-up brush set with bag is £202.98, (a saving of £67.67!)

Once you have had the Makeup lesson with me you then qualify for a *Follow-up Online Makeup lesson with me, at the reduced rate of £75, (a saving of £25!) The follow up lesson will enable us to run through everything and you can ask any questions or go over anything you want to discuss, all in the comfort of your own home!

Tina's studio.

*Please note the follow-up lesson must be booked within one month after the lesson with a 3 month deadline for the follow-up lesson.

When purchasing any of these services and products together quote the discount code tinab25% to activate it, (when you contact Tina). A deposit will be required and if you wish, you can also pay in instalments.

Should you like to book any of these options please email me - tina@tinabrocklebank.co.uk telling me that you are a subscriber and we will get you booked in!

I have been busy with makeup lessons recently and also sorting out my makeup kit in my studio. I have also been trying out some new products and I am going to be aiming to do a monthly blog about these products.

I have been really busy too with Prom makeups! Here are a few photos -

I've also launched some homemade, natural skincare oils - the first is a Cleansing oil and the second is a Facial oil. I really enjoy making these! and have been making them and using them on myself for quite some time. I kept getting complimented on my skin so thought it was a good idea to spread the love...(or oils!)

The Cleansing facial oil is good for all skin types. Coconut oil acts as a nourishing base and has amazing moisturising and nourishing properties with anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities. Castor oil acts as a purifier and cleanser and encourages collagen production penetrating deep into the skin, giving you a healthy glow. Rosehip oil is high in anti-oxidants and helps regenerate damaged skin tissue. Lavender and chamomile essential oils have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral and skin soothing powers. (Avoid use around the eyes).

The Facial oil is very nourishing and great for dry skin. It's full of protein and fats. Avocado oil is ideal for dry skin, rich in Vitamins C, E and K, magnesium and potassium. Rosehip oil is very high in essential fatty acids which helps regenerate damaged skin tissue. It penetrates deep into the skin and stimulates collagen production. It is also moisturising and anti-inflammatory and helps heal wounds and soften scars. (This is not for use around the eye area).

If you would like to purchase any of these please email me.

Here's some information about some products I have been loving -

Bobbi Brown Tinted moisturising balm - Sadly discontinued, however, this has been one of my fave products for years. So now that Bobbi Brown doesn't own the brand anymore and has her own brand called Jones Road Beauty, I can see that after being an avid fan of her and her products, (since working for her in 1997!), that most of the Jones Road Beauty products are her going back to her "essentials" - and by that I mean products that are easy, classic and natural. So, it makes me very happy that she has remade the Tinted moisturising balm for Jones Road called 'What the foundation"! (£42) its exactly the same. Perfect if you want a lovely dewy glow with a slight tint, excellent for dry skins. It has a slightly heavier texture than your usual tinted moisturiser and gives a lovely glow. Great for Autumn/Winter months too. It has a light-medium coverage. You just scoop out the desired amount and apply it to the face using fingers/brush/sponge, (I prefer my fingers), it blends seamlessly and easily into the skin and makes my skin look so much more radiant and dewy, it's a beautiful product.

Maybelline Brow drama - Sculpting brow mascara, (£7.99). I have been using this for years now and the shades are bang on and a great price too. You just apply your brow product first for definition, (if required), then use the brush applicator to gently swipe through the brow hairs to set the hairs in place. I like a natural, feathery look so this is perfect for this kind of look. It is also great if you have any stray hairs/grey hairs in your brows as it will tame them and tint them effortlessly.

3INA The no-rules stick 503, (£15). I first saw this being used by the fab and beautiful, Sam Chapman on her Instagram. It looked amazing on her, (but then everything does!) Basically, it's a multitasker product. A gorgeous nude pink shade and you can use it for lips, cheeks and eyes. It is creamy but not too creamy, and easy to blend. Great for mature skin and quick to use, but I wasn't feeling the "sheer-ness" it didn't really do anything for me at all. I think it would be more suited for a holiday look, just to add a little bit of colour.

UK Lash serum, (£37.99) - I am always up for a lash serum! I previously used Lilash, but it was working out expensive every 3 months or so, I think it was about £80/£90, it had seemed to have stopped working for me too, so I had heard good things about this new lash serum and my lashes were looking very stumpy and I was a bit worried about them to be honest! I started to use this and I am about 6 weeks on I would say, and the amount of clients who have commented and asked me if I am wearing false eyelashes! My lashes are definitely longer and thicker and when I apply mascara it's so much better now. I would highly recommend this product its so good.

Max Factor Miracle pure range - I got sent lots of products to try from this brand, (I love me a bit of Max Factor I must say). The foundation is lovely. Great shade range and even has an SPF30 in, Vitamin C and Hyaluronic acid so great for dehydrated skin, (like mine!) I also love the Infused cream blush, this has Hyaluronic acid in too, the shade Sunlit coral is especially pretty. A lovely texture and vegan too! You only need a very tiny amount because it is so pigmented! Apply it after foundation and blend with your fingers or a brush. It's nice and creamy so makes you look fresh and it's very natural, once blended. I much prefer a cream blush these days, I think on my skin it is a lot more flattering and I use a cream blush lots on my clients. You can always layer too with the same shade in a powder blush if you prefer.

Max Factor 2 in 1 Lash wow mascara, (£12.99) - I was sent this to try from Max Factor. I always usually use Max Factor anyway for my mascara, (the 2000 calorie Curl addict one). This one is bloody lovely though! thickening, lengthening and has a gimmicky brush system where you can choose which brush you wanted to use to create different effects by twisting the handle. No flaking or smudging and you just remove with an eye makeup remover. It is not waterproof but most aren't anyway, even when they say they are. This is very long lasting and I would recommend.

Danessa Myricks beauty, Magic set and seal Color fix, (£20). This is a mixing medium basically and it helps to ensure products are waterproof. I like to apply it over eye pencils and sometimes over a lip pencil before lipstick. This ensures that the product doesn't budge or transfer anywhere. A really great product. I got mine from Guru Makeup emporium in London.

Beauty Pie products - Well, what can I say about Beauty Pie?! To be honest, I think I am a little bit hooked! there are so many great products to choose from, great quality and great price too! My favourites have to be the All-in-wonder Illuminating primer and Triple luminizing wand.

The primer has a little bit of tint in it so it evens out the skin. The shade is Nude glow. It’s one-part opalescent light-refracting magic, one-part Diamond Core Powder, and laced with Vitamin E for a perfected, protected celestial complexion. Use alone to illuminate, or layer under your base for a brightened, beautiful, budge-proof finish. For sleepy, sad or sallow skin, it's really beautiful and only £10 for members! (You pay £59 to subscribe for the year and this enables to access to lots of savings).

The luminzing wand (£9), is fab and my fave product from them at the moment. A lovely creamy texture and much cheaper than the Charlotte Tilbury highlight wand and gives a beautiful, natural sheen to the skin. I use it on the top of my cheekbones, inner corners of eyes, under the arch of my brows, bridge of nose and cupids bow. It has Soft-Blur Microspheres and UltraGlow Coated Pearls for a natural-looking glow without the glitter, really beautiful.

The Beauty Pie Wrap star tubing mascara is really fantastic too. It wraps every lash in a glossy, smudge-proof colour for ‘locked and loaded’ lashes. 

"The Absolutube™ technology coats every lash in a smooth, glossy polymer tube for dramatic length and lasting curl. Stays smudge and flake free until you remove by simply sliding off with warm water. From Korea. Innovative and deluxe". It does what it says without a doubt!

Barry M Lid Lock, (£4.99) - I thought I would give this a go, as I have always used the NARS Pro prime one but I was in my local Tesco and bought some. It's really good - nice texture - great if like me, you have oily lids. It preps your eye area and smooths. It also ensures it doesn't crease. You just apply with your fingertips and blend. Really great and great price!

Anyway, bye for now as I think that is enough to be going on with!

Have a great Summer!

Tina x x x

Drag makeup.

New work and update.

Hi all, just thought I would touch in with you all. I hope you are all doing ok.

I haven't been posting much on my social media just lately, as I am not really into it all these days. I find it quite draining and I find I am much more productive when I haven't been down the rabbit hole, so to speak! I have been focusing on walking, yoga and baking in-between working. It is working for me.

I had the urge to do a drag makeup recently, after the sad news of Paul O'Grady aka Lily Savage and also Dame Edna Average. I had seen a drag makeup that I been inspired by too, so thought I would have a play and create something. I had forgotten how time consuming it all is, doing something like this...this one took me nearly 5 hours, but I think I was just happy in my own little world, playing with makeup, rather than being on a deadline with it. It was good to go back to my creative roots and do something different.

I used some Mark Traynor tapes, and you attach these either side of your temples or underneath your jaw at the side, to create a face lift effect. I used tonnes of makeup - mainly my Kryolan supra colour palette, Illamasqua, MAKEUP FOREVER and MAC products.

I've also recently subscribed to Beauty Pie. I have been wondering what all the hoo haaa, was about. I was dead impressed with my haul. You pay £59 for the year and get lots of high end products but without the price tag. I highly recommend it.

See below what I bought...

Here is me, (below), after using the products and my fave has to be the All in wonder Illuminating primer, it's sooo nice! it really evens out the skin, isn't too shiny on the skin but gives a lovely, natural finish, quite dewy.

I also really rate the Superluminous under eye genius if you have darkness under your eyes, I like to use it first, then go over with a yellow based concealer. Just use it on the dark part of the darkness to add luminosity and correct the darkness.

I also bought the Super drops flash face lift, (great name eh! and yes, it caught my eye! I am such a sucker sometimes!!although, to be honest, I was not impressed with the drops, I much prefer using an oil). I found this a bit meh and underwhelming.

Wondergloss collagen lip oil - Yes, a nice sheen and for £10 I can't grumble!

I have been suffering from dry/sensitive eyes, so bought their Perfect eye, Bi-phase, gentle eye makeup remover - its quite good and doesn't sting or irritate my eyes. So far so good.

Wonderful long wear lip liner in Vanilla nude - not a fan of the colour, seems a bit 'brown based' for my liking, but I have been using it as a base to see if it helps the longevity of my lipstick and seems ok, as long as my lips aren't too dry. I much prefer using a mixture of priming my lips first with a bit of concealer or primer, then applying lipstick, (ideally matte), then blotting again and reapplying a lipstick, then defining my lips.

Shine up lip colour balm stick in Baby bare - a nice texture, VERY sheer, almost too nothing-y?? but nice if you like that kinda thing. I personally like a bit more pigment.

Triple Hyaluronic acid dewy skin mist - I am really into this. It's nice to add in-between a skincare layer, (usually just before your moisturiser). Or nice even before you add your foundation or at the end of make. My skin is quite dehydrated and dry, so find this adds a lovely glow.

Uber youth peptide cream - I bought this as my eyes are getting a bit dehydrated and I have used the Bobbi Brown Extra repair cream for yonks. This texture is quite a bit lighter so I was a little disappointed with that, (after being spoilt with the texture of the Bobbi Brown one). Anyway, I will keep on using it and see if it helps...

Triple beauty luminizing wand - I really like this, and for £9 it's a good product! It's very much like the Charlotte Tilbury highlight wand, but without the ridiculous price tag. I hate the applicator though. I much prefer a pot and just use a brush or fingers, not the spongey tube applicator.

Supercheek cream blush in Astro pink - I do love a cream blush. It is very sheer but has a good amount of pigment in it. Easy to blend and looks very natural. Again, a good price at £12.50!

I am also loving me a bit of NYX - their lip pencils and eye pencils are very good! again, a good price point.

Work has been keeping me busy, although currently I am experiencing Benign positional vertigo! has anyone ever had it? if so, please get in touch with any tips! I have been to a physio and I am doing some exercises but it is VERY scary!! It is worse when turning over in bed, honestly it is so weird and I hope it buggers off soon!!

Oh, here is a recent lovely review. It is always so nice to see a review, especially when someone is so kind and has taken the time to write it...

Here is a recent client who visited me for a makeup lesson, after her Mum had bought her a Gift voucher. A 'no makeup, makeup' lesson. She also wanted to learn how to conceal under eye darkness...

...I think you will agree, she doesn't look like she is actually wearing much makeup at all, and to me, that is the best kind of look to go for, as why would we want to look like anyone else or mask our skin, especially if its this beautiful?! I just used a Moisturising balm from Bobbi Brown, (discontinued, but you can get the same from Jones Road called 'what the foundation'. It's a beautiful product. Brows were just softly defined with eyeshadow and set with a bit of Charlotte Tilbury Legendary brow gel. I corrected any darkness with a Bobbi Brown corrector stick and also used this on top of the eyes too, as Emily did not like her darkness on top of the eye either, then I just set this with a bit of powder.

One coat of Jones Road black mascara, (Emily did not want any liner or eyeshadow). I then applied a bit of cream blush, this one I think was Max Factor but Glossier do beautiful ones too called Cloud paint, which are very sheer and dewy. I then used my new Beauty Pie Luminizer on the top of the cheekbones.

Emily just usually uses a clear lip balm, so I just used a Glossier one first, blotted it off, then applied a Charlotte Tilbury lip pencil in Pillow talk and then used a Bobbi Brown lip gloss in Bellini on the top. Emily loved the result!

I have been quite busy with Online makeup lessons and I am really enjoying doing these! I can connect to people all over the U.K and my newest client is from the Lake district and I am teaching her how to do her wedding makeup, ready for her big day in August. I have also doing some Online lessons for clients who wanted help with their own makeup dilemmas and I always include skincare in this. I am very thorough. I have had some great feedback and love doing these. It seems I have ventured into the world of technology, (it has been a long time coming!) who knows, I might even dabble with some lives soon or a spot of videoing...who knows?!

I really like the quote below, as it reminds me why I dislike social media so much, as personally I do think the comparison trap kills creativity. I think that these days if you don't get 'likes' it can really affect your mental health and it can make you feel very inferior, (I know it tends to have this effect on me), so now what I do is post something, (now and again) and then delete the app after, and not look to see who has liked my post, because for me, it really isn't about that, it is more about connecting to people, being helpful and not showing off. I do find it a bit cringey.

I love spending time offline. I love being with people who make me laugh, (I have found a few new friends recently at the gym. We always have a laugh when we hear people breaking wind in the class, especially during a yoga class!!!) I think we should never underestimate the power of being with good people, and not virtually either I mean.

I love doing yoga and walking my dogs. I have also been doing a lot of cooking and baking!...the more time I spent offline, it makes me realise how little I need it in my life...(and how much I love my dogs).

Here are some examples of my makeup lesson work and my makeup studio too...

My Pro brush set, available to purchase online now.

I am really proud of my brush set. Vegan and each brush is hand made in the U.K. I think once you have a good set of makeup brushes it makes your makeup so much easier to apply and also last longer plus looks so much better than if you use one brush for everything??!! I was actually given the contact details from one of my lovely Make-up artist friends, (and idols), Maggie Hunt. I have been in touch with Maggie for a few years now and she often messages me and I sometimes ask her for her opinion about something. I always admired Maggie's work when I was in my 20's and living in London. I used to look for the credits in Vogue and Elle and often, Maggie had done the makeup for the shoots.

I got in touch with her a few years back to tell her I was a big fan, and we have been in touch ever since.

Maggie is Sam and Nic Chapmans Aunty, (Pixiwoo and Real Techniques fame), and she used to do Princess Diana's makeup, David Bowie and all of the celebs! I am so honoured to be in touch with her and she says my work is 'exceptional' and that makes me happy! You can purchase them via my website and I highly recommend them! I am so confident about them, that yes, I have put my name on them, (go me!)

Maggie gave me a contact for my brush range and I shall ever be grateful for her helping me to do that, as it has been a dream of mine for a long time. Maggie also has her own brush range.

Anyway, bye for now and please get in touch if you want me to blog about anything or if you want any questions answering.

Keep smiling x x x :0) and thank you for subscribing to my blog. I may be introducing some new classes soon, so keep your eyes peeled. These may be Online or in my studio. Let me know if you are interested. They may be mini classes, such as foundation sessions or covering up under eye darkness. Just bitesize classes...what do you think? let me know.

P.S -(Below see my Re-touch kit which includes 3 of my brushes, pressed powder, lipstick and lip pencil, one of my compact mirrors and a makeup bag - these are a good idea if you have had your makeup done by so you can re-touch, if needed). You can purchase one of these online too, as well as purchase Gift vouchers.

Gift voucher
Brush set and brush wrap.

New studio and website!

Hi all! Just a quick update to let you all know my refurbished studio is now back up and running! I have had a good sort out and had it all redecorated and also incorporated an area so I can now take Joint or Group bookings for Make-up lessons, (Only yesterday I did a Mother and daughter lesson, which was really lovely!)

Makeup studio

I am also offering Makeup artist workshops for training people up if they want to pursue a career in Make-up artistry. This is a Bespoke course and I will be teaching people on a one to one basis only, everything they want to know about skin prep, bridal, photographic, fashion...whatever they wish basically! Obviously it would be helpful if applicants have some kind of background to qualify for this course, whether that be Art/Beauty therapy, but if they just have a keen interest or passion in skincare and makeup then I will of course try to help them. For a total beginner then this will entail a lot of ground work, such as Hygiene, safety, contra-indications, skin types, etc, before we would get started on the Arty stuff.

I will still be taking on Bridal makeup bookings, but only by special arrangement. This will mean that once I have all of the information regarding the wedding, such as date and location I will check availability and then from there, see if we are a good fit by arranging a Zoom appointment so from there we can meet each other, then make the decision if both parties would like to proceed. I will no longer be working on every wedding, like I have for the past 20 years.

Makeup studio

I have been very busy with Online makeup lessons, which have proven popular, and this has included working with a Bride of mine who I worked with some 11 years ago but has moved to Yorkshire! It was so great to connect with her again. I have also been working with clients all over the U.K, such as Wales and London, it has been really interesting and a new direction for me. I have also taken on clients in Scotland and I am really enjoying meeting some really lovely people.

Online makeup lesson review.

My new website is now live and ready for you to view. Thank you to Coldstar solutions who have been so helpful and professional. I highly recommend these guys, they are the best. Also to The Print and copy centre in Grimsby. I have used them for many years and they have always helped me with my business requirements.

From my new website you will now be able to book my services, whether that be for an Online makeup lesson, A makeup lesson, (one to one, joint or group), special occasion makeup at my studio or Bridal makeup. You can also buy any of my products, such as my brushes or brush sets, etc. You can also create a profile when you buy anything online and then leave a review about any of the products. I am always grateful for any feedback.

Makeup brush set with brush wrap

I also have a new makeup brush which you can add to your brush set if you have recently bought it. It is a "Super blender" brush and it is a really helpful brush to add to your kit. It makes blending an absolute breeze. You can also buy this from my new website.

New makeup brush.

You will also be able to buy an Online gift voucher, obviously this a great idea for Mother's day coming up!

Gift voucher

As you can see from the studio photos, I have some black and white images in there. They are some of my favourite shots from one of favourite Makeup artists - Kevyn Aucoin. The art of makeup book was bought for me from my parents when I was studying in London when I was 23 and I have treasured it ever since. I absolutely adore his work, so of course, it was a no brainer to have his work in my studio, to keep inspiring me.

Make-up studio.

I have really enjoyed getting back to work. I just love helping people feel and look their absolute best. I have added lots of new exclusive products to my Pro kit and I am excited to be using them!

Anyway, bye for now and I hope to see you visit my new studio soon! Let me know what you think to my new website!

Tina Brocklebank Makeup artist.

Tina x


Skincare and new studio.

Hi guys, hope you are all doing ok after the mayhem of Christmas.  Happy new year to you all!

I posted recently about a new lipstick I had bought, (as it was my birthday this week and I needed a bit of colour in my life! its been a bit grey recently hasn't it!)

The lipstick colour was The Queen from Charlotte Tilbury with her Kiss n tell lip pencil.

Tina Brocklebank Makeup artist.

I then had a few requests to ask me what skincare I used, so I thought I would do a quick post about it.  I am not great at updating my blog I must admit!

Firstly let’s just state the obvious with good skin - getting enough sleep, good food, lots of water, exercise and trying to cut down on stress all help!

I’m also a big believer in HRT and I think replacing hormones that are declining with age, help to keep everything looking good and working properly for as long as possible! You may have seen in the press recently about all of this, but this isn’t a new thing! It’s just taken so many years for it to be finally taken serious and for women to gain access to their hormones and right advice! We have still a long way to go, but it’s a good start.

I had an early, surgical menopause at 38 and wasn’t pleasant and I’ve only just, in the past 3 years, researched HRT and started to get myself back on track. Knowledge is power, so don’t be fobbed off!

I am also a big fan of skincare guru, Caroline Hirons and I have her Skincare book guide.  I quote her regularly when I am doing my makeup lessons, such as."Skin is the foundation"!

Caroline Hirons Skincare book.

I am 53. She says for ages 40+ we benefit from the following -

A good eye make-up remover or first cleanser, you may prefer thicker cream cleansers at this point.

Acids.  Glycolic, lactic and PHA acids are all great for older skins.

A hyaluronic-based facial mist to replace lost moisture.

Eye products. Go for gels if you have crepey eyes, or light creams. Richer eye creams are not favourable on an older face.

Vitamin A/Retinoid. An absolute must. Your skins cell turnover is extremely slow at this age. Vitamin A is your best friend. Jump in!

Facial oil. A facial oil is essential - it will literally replace the glow on an older face.

Good anti-oxidant serums. Whilst these are still important, you may prefer to spend your money "correcting" issues at this age, and that brings us to...

A good quality pigmentation serum/product.

A good quality hyaluronic product.

A moisturiser suited to your skin type.  You may want to spend a little more on a moisturiser at this age. There is some merit to a separate night cream for an older skin, but it is more of a "nice to have" product than a must.

She continues..."Your skincare kit can be as comprehensive or as simple as you want.  I was asked recently what I would take away with me if I could only pick three products. I went with a great balm cleanser, a good retinoid and an SPF 50. Your needs change with age".

So, with all of this in mind I did some more research and came up with my skincare routine -

1.  Simple Eye makeup remover - I have very sensitive eyes so this one suits me.

2.  Cerave Hydrating cleanser - I remove this with a soft flannel and warm water. Balm wise I love the Bobbi Brown one or The Body shop Camomile butter one.

3.  The Inkey list PHA toner - I use this twice a day after cleansing, (if I am using a Retinol I don't use it as regularly).

4. PIXI Hydrating Milky mist.

5. Facial oil, (if my skin is dry) - The Inkey list Squalene oil or Rosehip oil.

6.  The Ordinary Alpha Arbutin 2% HA.

7.  Embryolisse Lait creme concentre moisturiser.

8. La Roche Posay Anthelios SPF 50.

For evening -

Eye makeup remover - Simple

Cleanser - CeraVe Hydrating cleanser

Vitamin A product - I had some sent over to me from Spain, as they can get it over the counter there. I have all 3 strengths, and have just finished my first tube. I did have a bit of peeling, (expected), from using it, so I just use it every 3 nights and sometimes buffer the product with an oil.

Oil - The Inkey list Squalene or I have a lovely Bobbi Brown one which I love too, but I also think that Almond oil is just as good.


Make-up wise, I like to look as luminous as I can, (lord knows I need it these days!!) so I layer with my base too - I mix my own base to make my own "tinted moisturiser". I use my Bobbi Brown Intensive serum foundation mixed with a little bit of MAC strobe cream. This gives my skin a lovely glow.

I have been having a little bit of botox between my eyebrows, as I had a deep furrow and didn't want to look cross all of the time, so this has helped, (it was a big step for me and I do like the effect it gives and I know Caroline Hiron's approves of Botox, so that's good enough for me!) I think the problem comes when people have too much.

Brows - I use an Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow pomade in Ash brown applied with one of my angled brow brushes. I then use a bit of a tinted eye brow gel, (Anastasia Beverly Hills tinted brow gel in Espresso and fill in any little gaps with their pen in Medium brown. My brows are crap without makeup on!)

On a day to day basis, I don't wear a lot of makeup, so I will just apply a bit of mascara, (I like Max Factor Curl addict in Black).

Blush - Max Factor Miracle pure cream blush in Vintage peony.

Highlight - I apply on the top of my cheekbones either my Bobbi Brown shimmer brick in Pink quartz or my Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood flawless filter in No3 Fair.

Lips - I really like a nude colour usually and I am forever on the hunt for the perfect one!  I usually mix my own. Usually a mixture of Lisa Eldridge Velvet muse with a MAC satin lipstick in Myth finished with a Charlotte Tilbury lip pencil in Iconic nude.

Tina Brocklebank Makeup artist.

I usually use Glossier lip balms.


My Makeup studio has been redecorated and I am now able to offer joint and group makeup lessons, as well as Makeup artist training.

I have been really busy with Online makeup lessons and these are proving very popular. One lady who had a lesson with me was a past client whose makeup I did for her wedding some 10 years ago and she has since moved to Yorkshire, so it was so nice to see her again. I also met clients in London and even Wales!
Here’s a lovely review…

Online makeup lesson review.

Here are some photos of my new studio...

Tinas new studio.

Tina’s Makeup studio, (Lesson and training area).

Pro brush range and wrap, £150.

Gift vouchers

Gift vouchers.

Tina's Re-touch kit.


I am really looking forward to this new direction in my career, now I have cut down on wedding work. Bridal makeup is by special arrangement only and I will only be taking 2-3 on a year.

Anyway, bye for now and thanks for reading.

Tina x












Tina applying makeup at Aswarby rectory.

Loyalty scheme.

Hi everyone, I announced on my social media this week that I am no longer going to be offering mobile wedding makeup.  After over 20 years working on hundreds of weddings all over the U.K, working with hundreds of Brides, Mums, Grand mums and Bridesmaids, I feel the time is right for me to focus on my studio work.

Eco bridal shoot

Eco bridal shoot with Sanyukta Shrestha. Makeup by Tina Brocklebank. Photo by Kev Elkins, Flowers - Limewood flowers.

My make-up studio is currently being refurbished and I am excited to be focusing on Make-up artist training, one to one/joint/group makeup lessons, online makeup lessons and special occasion makeup, (in my studio).  If you are getting married abroad or away from the area and would like a Bridal/wedding makeup lesson, then I can help with that too.

I have loved working and travelling over the years and I have met so many amazing people and worked with many talented wedding businesses, it really has been a pleasure for me. I am very grateful to have had the opportunity and to help so many people and provide the best service.  I am very proud of my achievements and reputation to date.

Tina applying makeup at Aswarby rectory.

Tina applying makeup at Aswarby rectory. Hair by Mon Amie wedding hair.

I will be posting updates every now and again on my social media, but I really want to focus my energy into another direction now, mainly in makeup education.

I shall still be honouring 2/3 weddings next year, so if you have not heard from me, then please don't worry, I will still be working with you.

My new studio should be ready in the New Year and I am already taking bookings for makeup lessons.  Here is the info - https://www.tinabrocklebank.co.uk/make-up-lessons/

I have already been very busy with Online makeup lessons and this is something that I am very much enjoying.

The Online lessons start with a basic questionnaire where I find out a little bit about you and what you like and what you don't like, plus any skincare regimes and issues.  I then offer a complimentary 30 minute initial consultation via Zoom and we go through everything and discuss any key points.  You will have already sent me a photo of yourself too, wearing no makeup and with your usual makeup on.

I will give you the opportunity to purchase my Makeup brush set.  These brushes are an investment and ensure your makeup is easier to apply and to ensure a natural, flawless finish.

Tina Brocklebank Make-up artist brushes and bag.

Tina Brocklebank Make-up artist brushes and bag.

I then go away and design your makeup for you and perhaps a new skincare regime, ready for your 2 hour makeup lesson.  I then send you a product list and face chart, together with a Makeup step guide and any other information which I think may be useful for you.

Every lesson is bespoke and I really enjoying treating each person as an individual and looking into any concerns and coming to a solution with advising the best skincare and makeup for you.

On the lesson you will have your items to hand that you may have bought from the product list I sent to you, (I am not affiliated with any brands so do not work on commission if you buy anything. I just know what works for you from my 30+ years in the industry).

The lesson begins which checking you have everything and sat in good, (natural if possible) lighting and I start guiding you with your skincare application. I then talk you through your makeup steps. I try and make it as fun and easy as I can for you. It can be quite daunting and overwhelming trying something new, but after a few times I have found my clients to really enjoy applying their makeup and understand what to use, where and why.

Natural makeup by Tina Brocklebank.

Time permitting, I can advise on another look for you and we can also discuss anything you find difficult or want to go over.

After the session you will have the opportunity for a follow-up makeup lesson at a discounted price.

If you are interested in this please email me - tina@tinabrocklebank.co.uk and I will send you some information.  I also offer Gift vouchers too.  Something a little different for that person who you never know what to buy for at Christmas!! and it will be a skill for life for them.

I have yet to finalise the Makeup artist training information yet, but already had quite a lot of interest. Just to confirm, this will be a taster day course for any aspiring Makeup artist/or a Makeup artist who feels they would like to expand their knowledge and skills and learn from me and my 30+ experience.

Tina Brocklebank Makeup artist. STALF shoot.

They will be able to come to my makeup studio for the day and work/learn with me, experiencing working on real people.   The training will be bespoke to each individual's needs, background and requirements.

I will still be offering special occasion makeup in my studio, so if you would still like to look amazing for that special occasion I can still provide that service for you, but just not mobile.

All of the lessons will be fun, factual, educational and there will even be nibbles and fizz provided! I can't wait to share with you, photos of my new makeup studio!

As a loyal email subscriber you will receive 10% off any service, (excluding a Makeup artist training workshop). This is for a limited time only and will be given to clients on a first come first served basis. This offer will end January 31st 2023.

Anyway, bye for now, thank you to everyone who I have worked with over the years, (if I have worked with you on your wedding in the past, please do get in touch and send me a wedding photo! I would love to see!!)  Keep in touch!

I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and a very Happy new year.  I hope to see you in 2023!!

Tina x

Tina Brocklebank Make-up artist.



Lila Doe

+123 456789111

Aenean ut nisl nunc. Proin maximus, lectus a rhoncus eleifend, ipsum dui efficitur enim, vitae egestas diam felis non lacus. Nullam semper lectus massa.

Gina Copper

+123 456789222

Aenean ut nisl nunc. Proin maximus, lectus a rhoncus eleifend, ipsum dui efficitur enim, vitae egestas diam felis non lacus. Nullam semper lectus massa.


178 S 1st St, Brooklyn 277
NY 11211

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